Monday, March 21, 2016

Why I quit reddit.

As some of you have already noticed, I have not posted anything on reddit, with the exception of posting my livestream link on to /r/osugame. Why is this? Well, if it's not obvious enough already… is because of the community. The community is so shitty and cancerous on reddit, that I would prefer a brick wall over any of its users.

Here's one of my (many) bad experiences on reddit.

I make a post to /r/undertale, keep in mind that this isn't anything provocative or something that would warrant a dislike. The post has nothing offensive in it. Literally, the only thing I asked for was cosplay advice, and you know what I got… nothing but downvotes and shitty criticisms. I'm not even joking with what I'm about to say, it's really shocking/hard to believe, … i got 10 DOWNVOTES … FUCKING 10 OF THEM (across the post and the comments i replied with). Again, 10 DOWN VOTES! And for what? Me asking for cosplay advice?! Seriously?!

And this wasn't the first time either, this same scenario has happened almost everytime I post something; with few exceptions.

Some of you are wondering why this is a problem, and so ill tell you why. This is a problem because it dramatically lowers my posts being seen; if the number of DOWNVOTES is too high, your posts/comment will be automatically hidden (which can only be revealed upon clicking a separate button (for other users viewing posts/comments) ). On top of that, the negative comment karma I've obtained, makes it harder for people to see the stuff I post. In other words, just because a few assholles kept disliking my stuff, now I have limited exposure that I can get on the site.

Another reason why I left reddit is the bullshit 'spam detection', spam detection is usually good, I'm not against it. However, the reddit 'spam detection', only lets you post every 15 minutes; and it applies to most subreddits. Furthermore, I can't stop the negative karma by clearing up misunderstandings with a simple comment/edit. It is the most fucked system that I have EVER SEEN… and trust me… I've been on A LOT of forums.

In short, unless you have a spotless reputation and are somehow immune to hate… reddit will fuck you up the ass and so will its users.

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